Several Tips on Finding Work as a Traveler in Australia


Defining your goals when seeking jobs as a traveler in Oz—Do you look for work to fund your year-long travel in Australia? Or is there any other objectives you have in mind for a work and holiday in Australia? Do you want to apply for a second year work and holiday visa? Your goal will determine what job you’re going to take for the year-long travel in Australia. So it’s best to think about this in advance. Allow yourself time to think and ask yourself, what do you want? 

Some travelers wanted to save up as much as possible so that you’ll be able to travel to other places like Southeast Asia, which is very close to Australia, especially when compared with other English-speaking countries. Having an idea of what you’d like to do is would only help you big time on the long run.

Your personal goals will determine what kind of jobs you’ll eventually be doing 

So take the time to assess your very own motivations when you’ve decided to go on a work and holiday visa. Note them down if necessary—and most of the time, it is. 

Have enough funds to support yourself in Australia 

Not having enough funds to support your life in Australia would only make you desperate. This would easily results in you accepting any job even though you know at the back of your mind that the arrangement with your employer is awful. 

Do your research—before you decide to apply for your visa!

Charging into a country and looking for work without knowing anything about the jobs or what kind of work is available for travelers like you would only bring you stress. So, do your research. Or your googling. Whatever you call it.

You can begin your research using these prompts

  • What kind of jobs are easiest to go by for travelers like you? 
  • How much do those jobs pay on average? 
  • If you plan to go to a certain area, what type of job is available there?

Is a second year work and holiday visa your objective? 

Today, both types of work and holiday visa are eligible for a second year work and holiday, provided that you do the specified work required by the Australian government to grant you the much sought-after second year. 

Depending on which visa you’re in, the types of work you’re eligible for will be affected. The subclass 462 visa, for instance, will allow you to work hospitality jobs, but only in the Northern Australia. Make sure to look into this more deeply if a second year visa is something you’re aiming for. 

What do you need to be on the lookout for? 

A traveler is generally someone who’s vulnerable for all sorts of exploitations from many parties. During the work and holiday scheme in particular, this is something common. I’m not saying that it’s all horrible and discourage you from finding work—what you need to do is exercise cautions, and most importantly, do your research. With that said, this post would continue to the second part that we’re going to post later on. Until then!